Unsatisfiable build-depends, python-related ==================================================== As of release Release file: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 17:33:17 UTC As of proposed Release file: Mon, 25 May 2020 14:05:59 UTC Packages build-depending on python-*: * autopilot-gtk build-depends on missing python-evdev:amd64 * linphone build-depends on missing python-pystache:amd64 * mongodb build-depends on missing python-requests:amd64 * notify-osd-icons build-depends on missing python-scour:amd64 * pycurl build-depends on missing python-sphinx:amd64 * pynifti build-depends on missing python-sphinx:amd64 * pytest build-depends on missing python-twisted:amd64 * python-mistralclient build-depends on missing python-sphinx:amd64 (>= 1.6.2) * python-os-client-config build-depends on missing python-sphinx:amd64 (>= 1.6.2) * python-pysqlite2 build-depends on missing python-sphinx:amd64 (>= 0.6.1) * reclass build-depends on missing python-sphinx:amd64 * renpy build-depends on missing python-sphinx:amd64 * scap-security-guide build-depends on missing python-requests:amd64 * sshuttle build-depends on missing python-pytest-cov:amd64 * unity-asset-pool build-depends on missing python-scour:amd64 * webdis build-depends on missing python-msgpack:amd64 (>= 0.3) * xapian-bindings build-depends on missing python-sphinx:amd64 Packages build-depending on *python*: * python-acme build-depends on missing python3-idna:amd64 (< 2.8)